6 - 8 Inch Economy Stove Flue Pipe Adaptor

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(Price includes VAT)


Increasing adaptors also known as MR adaptors or connectors, connects a smaller diameter stove pipe to a larger diameter flexible flue liner usually by one diameter unless specified otherwise. For example if you had a stove with a 5” outlet and you were fitting a 6” flexible flue liner you would use this adaptor to connect the 5” stove pipe to the 6” flex.

• Increasing adaptor;
• Easy to fit;
• Stainless steel.


Material Stainless Steel
Flue Parts Adaptors
Flue Diameter 8-Inch (200mm)
Guarantee 1 Year
More Colours No

Product Sizes

6 - 8 Inch Economy Stove Flue Pipe Adaptor
Flue Size 8-inch (200mm)
Overall Length other

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